The Danube valley between Hofkirchen near Vilshofen and Aschach in Upper Austria is one of the most impressive river landscapes in Central Europe. From an ecological point of view, the breakthrough of the Vornbach narrowness also belongs to this natural area. The Halser Ilzschleife north of Passau also impresses with its geology, history and nature.

Experience the Donauleiten from its most beautiful side while hiking: vantage points, stream gorges and pristine forest await you.

Much time, geology and climate led to the formation of the Danube valley as it looks today.

Donauleiten Nature Reserve
Due to the rare plants and animals that occur, the slopes of the Danube valley, the so-called Donauleiten, are designated as a nature reserve. The area care, with office in the house at the river, is responsible for the technical support of the area. It is also a contact point for nature lovers, school classes and residents.
Every three months, the area management publishes an information leaflet on the area. You can read and download the Leitenpost online here.

territory management
The area management in the Haus am Strom is responsible for the Donauleiten nature reserve from Passau to Jochenstein. Since 2011 Sebastian Zoder is responsible for the Donauleiten. The area supervisor is the right contact person in all matters concerning the nature reserve and expert for animals, plants and habitats of the Donauleiten.